Product features
All configurations can be stored in profiles
Accumulation of the measured values over multiple measuring fields
Export of images and results to the dhs database
Microsoft Excel protocol generation
Interactive correction facility
Morphological operations
Logical and arithmetic operations
Other manipulations
Euclidean distance transformations
Watershed algorithms
Automatic separation algorithms
Determination of the phase fraction
Method 1:
Determination of the absolute and relative phase fraction of one or more phases over thresholding in the intensity image
Method 2:
Determination the volume fraction according to ASTM E 562-02 „Standard Test Method for Determining Volume Fraction by Systematic Manual Point Count“ Calculating the statistical parameters, such as Example: “Statistical precision (% RA)”, “95 % confidence interval”
ROI (region of interest)
Rectangle, circle
Fixed Size / changeable
PxF Workbench expansion module