Product features
Quantitative analysis of object populations of any kind through segmentation, measurement and classification of individual objects
Object classification according to shape and gray value properties
Detection with fixed threshold in the intensity image
Interaktives Schneiden und Verbinden von Objekten
All configurations can be stored in profiles
Accumulation of the measured values over multiple measuring fields
Export of images and results to the dhs database
Microsoft Excel protocol generation
Detection with fixed threshold in the intensity image
Manual cutting, deleting objects
Automated image capture and generation of offline image series
Management of offline image series
Generation and management of image capture schematic
Generation of overview images through a panorama function
Expanded set of properties
Position, area, perimeter, convex perimeter, shape factor, convexity, average gray value, Feret diameter, orientation, ellipsis area, Euler number, …
Circle diameter U, circle diameter F, extension, square dimensions, fiber length, fiber thickness, ...
Morphological operations
Logical and arithmetic operations
Other manipulations
Euclidean distance transformations
Watershed algorithms
automatic separation algorithms
Manual revision
Cross stage support
Support of round and rectangular measuring surfaces
Manual initialization
Round measuring surfaces over 3 points on the radius
Rectangular measuring surfaces over minimal space between 4 points
Analysis based on various measuring grids
Defined distance between the fields of view
Focus correction
PxF Workbench expansion module